4921 Memorial Highway
Suite 114
Tampa, FL 33634
This is a new location for GCA as of January 2005.
See the map and follow these directions from I-275:
- Take the Tampa International Airport exit.
- This will put you on Hwy60/Memorial Highway heading North.
- Continue North on Memorial Highway, staying to the right after you pass the airport entrance.
- Continue North on Memorial Highway as Hwy60 splits off to the left.
- Go past the Veterans Expressway on-ramp and take the next left staying on Memorial Highway.
- Go west one block
- Turn right (North) into One Memorial Center at 4917-4921 Memorial Highway and bear to the left through the office complex.
- GCA is in the dark glass building closest to the North-East corner of George Road and Memorial Highway.
- Enter on the East face of the building and GCA's office is on the first floor, first door on your left.
- Alternatively, you can stay on Memorial Highway, go past their building, turn right on George Road (at the 7-Eleven), and turn right in behind their building.
