
Previous Meetings:

2024-12-25 ----------- ---------------- December Meeting - TBD.
2024-11-25 ----------- ---------------- November Meeting - TBD.
2024-10-25 ----------- ---------------- October Meeting - TBD.
2024-09-27 ----------- ---------------- September Meeting - TBD.
2024-08-23 ----------- ---------------- August Meeting - TBD.
2024-07-26 ----------- ---------------- July Meeting - TBD.
2024-06-28 ----------- ---------------- June Meeting - TBD.
2024-05-28 ----------- ---------------- May Meeting - TBD.
2024-04-28 ----------- ---------------- April Meeting - TBD.
2024-03-28 ----------- ---------------- March Meeting - TBD.
2024-02-28 ----------- ---------------- February Meeting - TBD.
2024-01-11 ----------- ---------------- Tech Day Florida Tour - Miami.
2024-01-10 ----------- ---------------- Tech Day Florida Tour - Tampa.
2024-01-09 ----------- ---------------- Tech Day Florida Tour - Orlando.
2023-12-10 ----------- ---------------- December Meeting - TBD.
2023-11-25 ----------- ---------------- November Meeting - TBD.
2023-10-25 ----------- ---------------- October Meeting - TBD.
2023-09-27 ----------- ---------------- September Meeting - TBD.
2023-08-23 ----------- ---------------- August Meeting - TBD.
2023-07-26 ----------- ---------------- July Meeting - TBD.
2023-06-28 ----------- ---------------- June Meeting - TBD.
2023-05-25 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Database Appliance
2023-04-26 ----------- ---------------- April Meeting - TBD.
2023-03-22 ----------- ---------------- March Meeting - TBD.
2023-02-22 ----------- ---------------- February Meeting - TBD.
2023-01-24 ----------- ---------------- Oracle 23c Expert Panel - Noon Eastern
2023-01-18 ----------- ---------------- Performance Technology Day with 23c
2022-12-12 ----------- ---------------- December Meeting - TBD.
2022-11-16 ----------- ---------------- All Things Performance - Craig Shallahamer, Charles Kim, & Troy Ligon.
2022-10-25 ----------- ---------------- Cloud World Review - Troy Ligon
2022-09-27 ----------- ---------------- Migrating VMware Workloads to OCI - Troy Ligon
2022-08-23 ----------- ---------------- August Meeting - TBD.
2022-07-26 ----------- ---------------- July Meeting - TBD.
2022-06-28 ----------- ---------------- Blueprint4D Review - Troy Ligon
2022-05-24 ----------- ---------------- May Meeting - TBD.
2022-04-26 ----------- ---------------- April Meeting - TBD.
2022-03-22 ----------- ---------------- March Meeting - TBD.
2022-02-22 ----------- ---------------- February Meeting - TBD.
2022-01-25 ----------- ---------------- January Meeting - TBD.
2021-12-15 ----------- ---------------- SOUG Holiday Event - Guardian Eagle
2021-11-09 ----------- ---------------- OCI and ATP Update - Troy Ligon
2021-10-26 ----------- ---------------- Running Oracle Workloads on AWS - Tim Sylvester
2021-09-28 ----------- ---------------- Qlik Data Analytics - Jim Smith, Qlik
2021-08-24 ----------- ---------------- Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification - Bryan Graf, Abacode
2021-07-27 ----------- ---------------- 7 Low-cost Tips to Secure Your Organization - Erich Kron, KnowBe4
2021-06-22 ----------- ---------------- Open Forum - Troy Ligon
2021-05-25 ----------- ---------------- DB Migration to OCI using Transportable Tablespaces - Hari Muthuswamy, Guardian Eagle
2021-04-27 ----------- ---------------- Open Forum - Troy Ligon
2021-03-23 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Autonomous Database - Troy Ligon
2021-02-23 ----------- ---------------- Securing the Oracle Ecosystem with HashiCorp Vault - Bobby Curtis
2021-01-26 ----------- ---------------- January Meeting - Troy Ligon
2020-12-08 ----------- ---------------- December Meeting - Happy Holidays
2020-11-17 ----------- ---------------- Oracle 19c & 20c Masters Panel
2020-10-27 ----------- ---------------- Monitoring, Maintenance, & Security - Hari Muthuswamy, Guardian Eagle
2020-09-26 ----------- ---------------- September meeting cancelled
2020-08-25 ----------- ---------------- WEBINAR 4:30pm-5:30pm
Bulletproof Your Database Upgrades to Oracle Database 19c - Charles Kim, ViscosityNA

2020-07-28 ----------- ---------------- WEBINAR 4:30pm-5:30pm
Should I Implement GoldenGate Microservices - Bobby Curtis

2020-06-26 ----------- ---------------- WEBINAR 3pm-4pm:
The DBA's Next Great Job - Rich Niemiec, Oracle ACE Director

2020-05-26 ----------- ---------------- WEBINAR 3pm-4pm:
The Future of AI & Machine Learning in Oracle Products - Rich Niemiec, Oracle ACE Director

2020-04-28 ----------- ---------------- WEBINAR 3pm-5pm:
Upgrades and RAC - Martin Klier, Oracle ACE Director

2020-03-31 ----------- ---------------- WEBINAR 5pm-7pm:
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification - Bryan Graf, Abacode

2020-03-24 ----------- ---------------- March Meeting - postponed
2020-02-25 ----------- ---------------- Master Automation Solution - Vendita
2020-01-28 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Containers - Mike Donovan
2019-12-10 ----------- ---------------- Tuning in the Cloud - Troy Ligon
2019-11-12 ----------- ---------------- Running Oracle Databases on AWS - David Bayard
2019-10-22 ----------- ---------------- Open World 2019 Recap - Troy Ligon
2019-09-24 ----------- ---------------- Robotic Process Automation - Jolt, Advantix
2019-08-27 ----------- ---------------- Next Generation DR - Gary Baird, Datrium
2019-07-23 ----------- ---------------- Troy's Tools - Troy Ligon, Oracle ACE
2019-06-25 ----------- ---------------- Who Moved My 99th Percentile Performance? - Kiran Agrahara, Violin Storage
2019-05-28 ----------- ---------------- Oracle 18c & 19c - Charles Kim, Viscosity NA
2019-04-23 ----------- ---------------- Breach! You've just been Hacked, Now What? - Troy Ligon
2019-03-26 ----------- ---------------- Creating REST API's with Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) and OAUTH - Blaine Carter, Oracle
2019-02-26 ----------- ---------------- What can YOU do about Data Protection? - Chuck Egerter, Guardian Eagle
2019-01-22 ----------- ---------------- Ansible Automation - Troy Ligon
2019-01-21 ----------- ---------------- Low Code Development with APEX - Oracle Corp.
2018-11-13 ----------- ---------------- OpenWorld 2018 Recap - Troy Ligon
2018-10-23 ----------- ---------------- OpenWorld 2018
2018-09-25 ----------- ---------------- Tales from the Field - Troy Ligon, et. al.
2018-08-28 ----------- ---------------- Snowflake - Kent Graziano
2018-07-24 ----------- ---------------- How does an ODA do that? - Shireesha Baddam
2018-06-26 ----------- ---------------- Sifting Thru the ASHes Part Deux - Troy Ligon
2018-05-22 ----------- ---------------- Continuous Evolution - Chuck Egerter
2018-04-24 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Cloud Strategy - Samuel Souza, Oracle
2018-03-27 ----------- ---------------- Oracle and DynDNS - Scott Taylor, Oracle
2018-02-27 ----------- ---------------- GoldenGate 12.2 - Bobby Curtis, Oracle
2018-01-23 ----------- ---------------- Intro to APEX - Jayson Hanes
2017-12-05 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Management Cloud - Troy Ligon
2017-11-14 ----------- ---------------- What's New from Oracle Development - Sean Stacey, Oracle Corp.
2017-10-24 ----------- ---------------- RAC 12.2 - FlexASM & FlexCluster
2017-09-26 ----------- ---------------- What is an ORAchk and How Can it Make You a Better DBA - Troy Ligon
2017-08-22 ----------- ---------------- What's New in 12.2 - Charles Kim & Rich Niemiec, Viscosity NA
2017-07-25 ----------- ---------------- DBA 3.0 & Stop Guessing, Start Analyzing - Jim Czuprynski, ViON
2017-06-27 ----------- ---------------- Latest ODA Info - Chuck Egerter, Eagle Datagistics
2017-05-23 ----------- ---------------- Exadata Update - Greg Garretson, Raymond James Financial
2017-04-25 ----------- ---------------- Big Data - Robb Watson and Jason Merenda, Oracle
2017-03-28 ----------- ---------------- Oracle RAC 12.2 from 0 to 100 in 90 minutes - Maksym Satula, Soft Computer
2017-02-28 ----------- ---------------- Log Miner as a Replication Tool - Konstantin Kerekovski, Raymond James
2017-01-24 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Management Cloud - Patrick Combs, Oracle
2016-12-13 ----------- ---------------- What's New in 12.2 - Bob Mackowiak, Oracle Corp.
2016-11-08 ----------- ---------------- Backup to the Oracle Cloud and Beyond - Charles Kim, Viscosity NA
2016-10-25 ----------- ---------------- News from OpenWorld: New Exadata Previews and Exadata Security - Dan Norris
2016-09-27 ----------- ---------------- Integrating Data Silos - Senthil Prabu, MarkLogic
2016-08-23 ----------- ---------------- Analytic Functions and Zero Downtime Upgrades - Jim Czuprynski, Oracle Ace Director
2016-07-26 ----------- ---------------- Data Warehousing with Apache Hadoop - Jordan Volz, Cloudera
2016-06-28 ----------- ---------------- The Impact of Flash - Craig Chapman, Pure Storage
2016-05-24 ----------- ---------------- Enterprise Manager 13c - Pat Combs, Oracle
2016-04-26 ----------- ---------------- Root Cause Analysis - Daniel Morgan
2016-03-22 ----------- ---------------- Intro to ASH - Troy Ligon, American Express
2016-02-23 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Cloud Platform - Mel Beans
2016-01-26 ----------- downloads Transferring Dump Files - Maksym Satula
2015-10-12 ----------- ---------------- SOUG TechDay 2015
2015-09-23 ----------- ---------------- TechDay Prep
2015-08-26 ----------- ---------------- eDB360 and SQLd360 - Dimas Chbane, Accenture Enkitec Group
2015-07-22 ----------- ---------------- OEM Cloud Control - Pat Combs, Oracle
2015-06-24 ----------- ---------------- ASHtools and Visualizations - Craig Shallahamer, OraPub
2015-05-27 ----------- ---------------- Using FLASH with Oracle - David Hamacher, Kaminario
2015-04-22 ----------- ---------------- RDBMS 12c New Features - Gary McKoy
2015-03-25 ----------- ---------------- MySQL for Oracle DBAs - Tony Darnell, Oracle
2015-02-25 ----------- downloads RDBMS 12c New Features - Gary McKoy
2015-01-28 ----------- ---------------- Meeting Cancelled - Troy Ligon
2014-12-09 ----------- ---------------- SOUG Xmas Party - TBD
2014-11-11 ----------- ---------------- Data Guard 12c - Paul Ruscito/Gary McKoy
2014-10-28 ----------- downloads SQL Developer Tips, Tricks, and New Features
2014-09-23 ----------- downloads High Availability DB on the Cheap - Bill Petro
2014-08-26 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Smart Scan - Roger MacNicol, Oracle
2014-07-22 ----------- downloads In-Memory Option - Frank Darwesh, Oracle
2014-06-24 ----------- downloads The Art and Craft of Tracing - Arup Nanda
2014-05-27 ----------- ---------------- Forms to APEX - Martin Disterheft, PITSS America
2014-04-22 ----------- downloads Oracle Engineered Systems - Carlos Orozco, Oracle
2014-03-25 ----------- downloads How to optimize Oracle Performance and Retire Applications through a DB Archiving Strategy - Ali ElKortobi, HP
2014-02-25 ----------- ---------------- Agile Development - Gerrard Thomas, 4th Source
2014-01-28 ----------- downloads DaaS & FlexASM 12c - Charles Kim & Nitin Vengurlekar
2013-12-01 ----------- ---------------- SOUG Xmas Party - TBD
2013-11-12 ----------- downloads Oracle Security in 12c - Gregg Allen, Oracle
2013-10-22 ----------- downloads Flashback Features in Oracle, Travis Parker - Nielsen
2013-09-24 ----------- downloads How to be a GREAT Production DBA - Jeff Garbus, Soaring Eagle
2013-08-27 ----------- downloads DB Classify - Mike Greenleaf, EMC
2013-07-23 ----------- downloads Oracle 12c New Features - David Bayard, Oracle Corp.
2013-06-25 ----------- downloads Troy's Tools - SLOB
2013-05-21 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Performance Research - Craig Shallahamer, OraPub
2013-04-23 ----------- downloads IOUG Collaborate Review - Troy Ligon
2013-03-26 ----------- downloads The All Flash Database - Randy Cook, Violin Memory
2013-02-28 ----------- downloads Intro to Oracle Golden Gate - Michael Wells, Raymond James
2013-01-24 ----------- downloads Oracle Database Appliance
2012-12-03 ----------- ---------------- Laughing Cat Christmas
2012-11-08 ----------- downloads Nielsen Exadata Experience - Ken Wood, Nielsen
2012-10-25 ----------- downloads Troy's Tuning Tips Take 2 - Troy Ligon
2012-09-27 ----------- downloads New Security Threats - Troy Ligon
2012-08-23 ----------- downloads Determining Your Oracle IO Performance Profile - Mike Ault, Texas Memory Systems
2012-07-26 ----------- downloads PKI and SSH - More of Troy's Tools
2012-06-14 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Performance Research - Craig Shallahamer, OraPub
2012-05-24 ----------- ---------------- The Developer Guy - Jeff Smith, Oracle Corp.
2012-04-26 ----------- downloads Hack the Hacker - Andrew D'Auria, McAfee
2012-03-22 ----------- ---------------- Toad - Quest Software
2012-02-23 ----------- downloads SCANning the Oracle Grid Infrastructure - Eric Siglin, SmartDog
2012-01-26 ----------- downloads Engineered Systems Management - Alaa Shaaban, Oracle Corp.
2011-12-08 ----------- ---------------- Laughing Cat Christmas
2011-11-24 ----------- ---------------- November - No Meeting - Happy Thanksgiving
2011-10-27 ----------- downloads Oracle Database Firewall - Greg Allen, Oracle Corp.
2011-09-22 ----------- downloads Central AWR Repository - Mike Messina, Rolta-TUSC
2011-08-25 ----------- downloads Oracle Exadata Performance - Srikant Gopalan, Oracle Corp. and Troy Ligon
2011-07-21 ----------- downloads Thinking Clearly About Performance - Cary Millsap, Method-R
2011-06-23 ----------- ---------------- Oracle Replication: You have more options than you think - John Garmany
2011-05-26 ----------- downloads Intro to InfiniBand - Matt Gunter, Oracle Corp.
2011-04-28 ----------- downloads So You Missed Collaborate2011? - Troy Ligon
2011-03-24 ----------- downloads Oracle Times Ten - Jeffrey Garbus, Soaring Eagle Consulting
2011-02-24 ----------- downloads Best Practices for Oracle on VMware - Dean Richards, Confio
2011-01-27 ----------- downloads Advanced Oracle Troubleshooting in 60 minutes - Tanel Poder
2010-12-09 ----------- ---------------- Laughing Cat Christmas
2010-11-11 ----------- ---------------- Object Oriented Development in PL/SQL - Mike Kemp
2010-10-06 ----------- downloads SOUG TechDay 2010 - Italian Club, Ybor City
2010-09-23 ----------- downloads DBA 1.0 vs. DBA 2.0 Revisited - Chuck Egerter and Team
2010-08-26 ----------- downloads Troy's Tuning Tips - Troy Ligon
2010-07-22 ----------- downloads Innovative Approaches to Solving Performance Problems - Peter Dobler
2010-06-24 ----------- downloads APEX 4.0 - Dan McGhan, SkillBuilders.com
2010-05-27 ----------- downloads OLTP DBA's Guide to OLAP - Stewart Bryson
2010-04-06 ----------- downloads Oracle Server Processes - Craig Shallahamer, OraPub
2010-03-24 ----------- ---------------- Toad - Jeff Smith
2010-02-25 ----------- downloads Unit Testing and SQL Developer - Syme Kutz, Oracle
2010-01-28 ----------- ---------------- Dynamic Data Masking - Tony Cannizzo, Dobler Consulting
2009-12-10 ----------- ---------------- Laughing Cat Holiday Social
2009-11-12 ----------- downloads Forms to Apex - Daniel McGhan, SkillBuilders.com
2009-10-22 ----------- downloads DOUBLE MEETING!!! 11gR2 Launch and Object Oriented Design
2009-09-24 ----------- downloads Attack Your Database Before Others Do - Todd DeSantis, Sentrigo
2009-08-27 ----------- downloads Incorporating Database Security into the SOC/NOC - Mel Shakir, NitroSecurity
2009-07-23 ----------- downloads Autonomous Transactions and Other Useful Tidbits - Troy Ligon
2009-06-25 ----------- downloads What I Learned at Collaborate09 - Troy Ligon
2009-05-28 ----------- ---------------- Orace OLAP - John Paredes
2009-04-23 ----------- downloads SOUG Spring TechDay 2009
2009-03-26 ----------- downloads Favorite 11g New Features - Mary Schilling
2009-02-26 ----------- downloads Cloud Computing, Web 2.0 and Cyber Security - David Knox
2009-01-22 ----------- downloads The WHAT, HOW, and WHY of RMAN - Maxym Kharchenko
2008-12-11 ----------- ---------------- Laughing Cat Holiday Social
2008-11-20 ----------- ---------------- Cloud Computing with Amazon and Oracle - Lewis Cunningham
2008-10-09 ----------- downloads SOUG Fall Mini-TechDay
2008-09-18 ----------- ---------------- APEX Revisited - Chet and Dan
2008-08-28 ----------- ---------------- OEM Show, Tell, and Play - Maryann Marnell
2008-07-24 ----------- downloads Pillar Data
2008-06-19 ----------- ---------------- Summer Social
2008-05-13 ----------- ---------------- SOUG TechDay 2008
2008-04-24 ----------- downloads Application Express - Chet Justice
2008-03-27 ----------- downloads 11g New Features for DBAs and Developers - Charles Kim
2008-02-28 ----------- downloads To RAC or Not To RAC, An Overall View - Troy Ligon
2008-01-24 minutes downloads SQL Injection Attacks - Todd DeSantis
2007-12-13 ----------- ---------------- Laughing Cat Holiday Social
2007-11-08 ----------- downloads Best Practices for Information Lifecycle Management - Farhan Mohammad
2007-10-25 ----------- downloads Data in the Stream, Integrating Oracle Streams and DataGuard - John Garmany
2007-09-27 ----------- downloads Mike Ault Day
2007-08-23 ----------- downloads Profiling your PL/SQL for Performance and Debugging - Lewis Cunningham
2007-07-12 ----------- ---------------- Summer Social - The Laughing Cat Restaurant
2007-06-28 ----------- downloads Database Compliancy 101 - Tom Roach
2007-05-10 ----------- ---------------- SOUG TechDay 2007 - Fast Forward
2007-04-26 ----------- downloads Oracle Streams, Step By Step - Lewis Cunningham
2007-03-22 ----------- downloads Data Management - Sun Microsystems
2007-02-22 ----------- downloads Richard Niemiec Day
2007-01-25 ----------- downloads Fusion Middleware - January 2007 Update
2006-12-07 ----------- ---------------- Christmas Social
2006-10-26 ----------- downloads Strategies & Tools for Centralizing & Automating Database Management
2006-09-28 minutes downloads Oracle Tools for Visual Studio
2006-08-24 minutes downloads Data Privacy and Data Masking
2006-07-27 ----------- ---------------- Summer Social - The Lobby Bar @ Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
2006-06-22 minutes downloads Lewis Cunningham - Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
2006-05-25 minutes downloads SOUG Technology Day
2006-04-27 minutes ---------------- Chris Warticki - Oracle's Remote Diagnostic Aid (RDA)
2006-03-30 minutes downloads Cary Millsap - Profiling Oracle: How it Works.
2006-02-23 minutes downloads Steven Feuerstein - The Six Steps to Unit Testing Happiness
2006-01-25 minutes downloads Oracle Tech Day - Oracle Corp.
2005-12-15 ----------- ---------------- Christmas Party
2005-11-17 minutes downloads SOA/BPEL
2005-10-27 minutes ---------------- Symantec/Veritas
2005-09-22 minutes downloads Advanced PL/SQL Tips and Tricks presented by Eric Siglin
2005-08-25 minutes downloads Oracle 10g Release 2
2005-07-28 ----------- ---------------- Summer Break - Happy Hour at The Green Iguana Ybor
2005-06-23 minutes downloads VMware RAC
2005-05-26 minutes downloads Oracle Application Server
2005-04-28 minutes downloads Cool Tools for the Florida DBA (and Developers, too!)
2005-03-24 minutes ---------------- JDeveloper Tools
2005-02-24 minutes ---------------- Leverage your investment in Oracle Support
2005-01-27 minutes downloads Oracle Collaboration Suite
2004-12-14 ----------- ---------------- Christmas Party
2004-11-18 minutes ---------------- 10G Implementation New Features
2004-10-28 minutes ---------------- Business Continuity and DR...
2004-09-23 minutes ---------------- Summer Break - Board Meeting
2004-06-24 minutes downloads Veritas
2004-05-27 minutes downloads Installing 10g on Linux
2004-04-22 minutes downloads Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
2004-03-25 minutes downloads Oracle 9i Manual Upgrade
2004-02-26 minutes ---------------- Oracle 10g New Features
2004-01-22 minutes ---------------- ORA-3113's, 600's, and 7445's Oh My!
2003-12-11 ----------- ---------------- Christmas Party
2003-11-20 minutes ---------------- George Kennedy of Information Builders
2003-10-23 minutes ---------------- Topic : Oracle University & SOUG Elections
2003-07-24 minutes ---------------- IOT Storage Features of Oracle 8i
2003-06-26 ----------- ---------------- Integrating Discover, GIS, multiple data sources, and Portal
2003-05-22 minutes downloads OEM 9i Release 2 Architectural Overview.
2003-04-24 minutes ---------------- Shareplex
2003-03-27 minutes downloads Freakylinks2 by Eric Siglin
2003-02-27 minutes downloads RAC & Solaris
2003-01-23 minutes ---------------- Web Apps & Oracle
2002-10-24 minutes ---------------- 9i RAC & Storage by Xiotech
2002-09-26 minutes downloads Small Project Management
2002-06-27 minutes ---------------- Access/Authentication Management with 9iAS
2002-05-23 minutes ---------------- Complex DB Apps Wuing ERWin
2002-04-25 minutes ---------------- 9i Storage Management
2002-03-28 minutes ---------------- Forms/Reports with 9iAS
2002-02-28 minutes downloads Protecting your DB with Veritas
2002-01-24 minutes downloads Automatic Undo Management
2001-10-25 minutes ---------------- Discoverer with Portal
2001-09-27 minutes ---------------- Xiotech
2001-08-23 minutes downloads Oracle 9i
2001-07-26 minutes ---------------- Quest Toad
2001-06-28 minutes ---------------- www.hotsos.com
Contact Webmaster for Website Issues