SOUG Meeting
September 28, 2006 |
6:00pm-8:30pm |
Board Position | Name |
President | Troy Ligon |
VicePresident | Mary Schilling |
Treasurer | Eric Louttit |
Secretary | Lewis Cunningham |
Meeting Coordinator | Kirt Hall |
Past President | Tom Roach |
LOCATION: IBM Rocky Point, room 539
ATTENDANCE: see sign-in sheet
FEATURED PRESENTATION: JT Taylor - Oracle Tools for .Net
JT discussed an exciting new release of tools from Oracle that improve the integration between the Oracle and .Net worlds. He demonstrated the installation of the toolset as well as several of it's features. See our downloads area for his entire presentation as well as an install guide to help you out.
We would like to thank Microsoft's Joe Healy for sponsoring this meeting. He was kind enough to spring for Moe's Burritos for us as well as provided an awesome assortment of door prises. Amongst other items, multiple folks walked away with full copies of Microsoft Office, Microsoft Streets & Trips, several Microsoft Games, and assorted books. Thanks Joe!!!
Topics Discussed:
- Job Report: Looks like the local Oracle job market is heating up. A number of local employers specifically asked us to announce some openings to our group. Info on a mixed bag of DBA, Developer, and even SA positions was provided.
- SOUG Elections: New officers were elected. Their names and roles are at the top of these minutes. Please join me in welcoming the new Board. Thanks for stepping up and helping us in our goal to make this one of the premier Oracle Users Groups in the country.