March 2002

October 2002 meeting

Thursday Oct 24th 2002 at 6 pm

Real 9i Application Clusters and Storage Virtualization Architectures

Presented by :
Scott Lobdell, Xiotech Corp
with  Bernard Jones and Patrick Chapman, XIOtech Corporation

Thanks for Scott and the Xiotech crew for providing an excellent presentation and overview of Storage Technology Trends, SAN Overview, 9i RAC, Oracle considerations, Virtualization



Registration, networking with fellow members, light refreshments

SOUG membership registration, annual dues for FY 2003 are due

General discussion among members and visitors.


Welcome, User Group Update

George Spantidakis called the meeting to order and welcomed all to the meeting. 


DCC is relocating in November so this is the last SOUG meeting that will be held at the Rocky Point office.  They are relocating to the area of Westshore Blvd and Boyscout Rd.  Once we are given the address, we will post the new meeting place on the website and send an email to all members.

 There is no November meeting due to the holiday.

 The December meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2002 at the Bahama Breeze on Rocky Pointe at 5:00 PM.  Donation of doorprizes is requested.


Keynote Address: Oracle 9iRAC and Storage Virtualization Architectures

Scott Lobdell, Principal Architect, with XIOtech Corporation (www.xiotech.com) was the keynote speaker.


Scott reviewed storage technology trends, SAN overview, 9i RAC, Oracle considerations and virtualization.


Bernard Jones gave a demonstration of SAN and the creation, editing and movement of volumns using XIOtech technology.




Action items

Meeting adjourned


Next Meeting

December 12, 2002 5:00PM, Bahama Breeze
W Courtney Campbell Causeway








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