March 2002

September 2002


Thursday Sept 26th 2002 at 6 pm





Registration, networking with fellow members, light refreshments

SOUG membership registration, annual dues for FY 2003 are due.

General discussion among members and visitors.


Welcome, User Group Update

Maryann Marnell called the meeting to order and welcomed all to the meeting.



SOUG 2003 Election of Officers :

Eric Siglin steps up as President per the group’s bylaws.

Running unopposed are the following nominees:
Vice President – George Spantidakis
Secretary – Shanon Carter
Dir. Of Administration and Finance – Len Terranova

Special Committees to be appointed by new board.

Ballots were distributed and collected and totals were tallied by the nominating committee.  The above nominees were elected without opposition.


The meeting schedules for the next fiscal year were reviewed.  Meetings take place on the 4th Thursday of the month with the exceptions of July, August and November.

 December’s meeting is a mixer.  The group was polled as to the location and it was agreed that the December 12, 2002 meeting will be held again at the Bahama Breeze.


Eric announced an added feature of passing a notepad around for anyone to write tech questions, problems that we could review at the end of the meeting and get everyone’s input.


Certifications and Recognitions were achieved by the following SOUG members:

Doug Ewen – Developer OCP

Gary Herman – Developer OCP

Bill Nye – Developer OCP

Shanon Carter – Oracle8i Enterprise Scalable Master

Eric Siglin – Oracle9i Master


Eric gave a brief overview of the 2 day Oracle9i practicum.




Keynote Address: Small Project Management

Dino Eliadis with Project Manager’s Corner (www.pmcorner.com) was the keynote speaker.



An Introduction to Small Project Management
You spend up to 75% of your time in project-related work.  However, much of this work consists of small projects, you don't manage as projects.  Rather, you treat it as work that needs to be done by the end of the month.  Thus, this unmanaged work just "happens".  In this era of responsiveness and quality improvement, letting small projects "happen" is no longer acceptable.

Can our project management methods help small projects in the same way the methods help larger projects?  Yes!  This presentation is an introduction to a 2-day case-oriented workshop that shows how to apply basic techniques to managing, understanding and coordinating small projects.  The presentation covers:
* How project management affects a company's bottom-line.
* Understanding the unique challenges of small projects.
* Provides an overview of the methodology for managing small projects with minimal overhead.

Download Further Information
Project Manager's Corner (PDF)
Project Management Course Details (PDF)
Project Manager SPM Overview (PDF)

About Dino Eliadis
Dino Eliadis is a 14-year project management expert formally trained at the DoD's prestigious Defense System Management College. The DSMC is the premier training ground for  program and project managers for the DoD, NASA, and aerospace industry the world over. It is recognized worldwide as the model for systems management training. Recently he developed a ROI model that provides companies with direct insight into their current fiscal state of project management portfolio. The model gives a very clear picture of how improving project management can increase their bottom-line. He has also written several white papers that help managers understand what they need to do to improve project management across the enterprise. Dino brought his skills to Tampa Bay more than 10 years ago. He has successfully managed more than 30 projects spanning a variety of different applications and industries for companies across the country. These projects have varied in size from a few weeks and few thousand dollars to over a year and several million dollars.

Please check the following web site link for further information on this course.



Action items

Giveaway was performed with items furnished by O’Reilly Books and DCC. 

Meeting adjourned



Next Meeting

October 24, 2002 6:00PM, Diversified Computer Consultants

7650 W Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 875

Classroom 1



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