March 2002

March 2002



March 28, 2002

6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.




Maryann Marnell, President

Mary Schilling, Treasurer

Eric Siglin, Vice President

Josh Danielson, Meeting Co-ordinator

Richard Stears, Membership Co-ordinator

Suzanne Papp, Technical Co-ordinator

Andrew Miller, Web Co-ordinator

Shanon Carter, Secretary

Attendance:  See sign-in list

Speaker:  Karen Olszyk, Oracle Corporation  

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:15 PM               

Approval of Minutes:  





Registration, networking with fellow members, light refreshments

SOUG membership registration.  General discussion among members and visitors.


Welcome, User Group Update

The meeting to order and all welcomed to the meeting. 

It was discussed whether SOUG should provide refreshments.  Many in attendance recommended that the refreshments be fairly substantial since most coming to the meeting would have to skip dinner to attend.  Josh Danielson does ask vendors to consider providing refreshments when they speak at the meeting. 

SOUG’s fiscal year ends 30 September 2002.  all memberships will expire at that time. 

John Letchford will be assuming the duties of webmaster.  Thanks to Andrew Miller for his work on getting our site started.

 The group decided that SOUG is willing to allow DCC Services to continue to provide refreshments. There are funds in the SOUG budget for refreshments should we need to pay for them.

Keynote Address: Deploying Forms/Reports to the Web using 9iAS

Karen Olszyk, Oracle Corp  presented information on the new Oracle9i Forms.


Next meeting action items and give-always

Give-always were performed. Meeting adjourned


Next Meeting

April 25, 2002 6:00PM, Diversified Computer Consultants,

7650 W Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 875

Classroom 1


Photo : Karen Olszyk (karen.olszyk@oracle.com) presenting information on the new Oracle9i Forms


Thursday, March 28, 2002
6:00PM - 8:00PM

Diversified Computer Consultants - directions
7650 W Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 875
Tampa, FL 33607 - (813) 639-1322

Scheduled Topic:  Deploying Forms/Reports to the Web using 9iAS.

Speaker:  Karen Olszyk, Oracle Corp

RSVP to Josh Danielson (jdanielson@divcomp.com)
by email or by calling 813-639-1322.


Contact Webmaster for Website Issues