August 2001

August 2001

Thursday, August 23, 2001
6:00PM - 8:00PM

Diversified Computer Consultants - directions
7650 W Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 875
Tampa, FL 33607 - (813) 639-1322

Scheduled Topic: New Features and Functionality of Oracle's 9i database

Click Here to download Alton Dinsmore PowerPoint Presentation

AGENDA for Suncoast Oracle Users Group meeting August 23rd, 2001.

 6:00 - 6:15 Registration, networking with fellow members, light refreshments
 6:15 - 6:30 Welcome, User Group Update
 6:30 - 7:30 Keynote Address: New Features and Functionality of Oracle's 9i database. 
                   Speaker: Alton Dinsmore, Solution  Specialist, Oracle Corp.
 7:30 - 7:45 Q&A
 7:45 - 8:00 Next meeting action items, give-aways



August 23, 2001
6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.




Maryann Marnell, President

Mary Schilling, Treasurer

Eric Siglin, Vice President

Josh Danielson, Meeting Coordinator

Richard Stears, Membership Coordinator

Suzanne Papp, Technical Coordinator

Andrew Miller, Web Coordinator

Shanon Carter, Secretary


Attendance:  See sign-in list

Guests: Alton Dinsmore, Solutions Specialist, Oracle Corp.

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:15 PM

Approval of Minutes: 





Registration, networking with fellow members, light refreshments

SOUG membership registration.

General discussion among members and visitors.


Welcome, User Group Update

Josh Danielson called the meeting to order and welcomed all to the meeting.

The agenda for tonight's meeting and the SOUG bylaws were distributed.

The group is still in need of a secretary.  Shanon Carter volunteered to be considered and was nominated and elected to the office.

Bylaws to be reviewed with approval pending at another meeting.

Keynote Address: New Features and Functionality of Oracle's 9i database

Alton Dinsmore, Solution Specialist with Oracle Corp.

Alton reviewed the new features and functionality of the Oracle9i database.  Areas covered were:

Scalability and Performance
Development platform
Windows 2000 Integration

His PowerPoint presentation is available for download at the SOUG website .


Next meeting action items and give-aways

Josh asked for some suggestions for presentations that the group would be interested in.  Some suggestions were:

3rd party tools
Real Application clusters

Give-aways were performed

Meeting adjourned

Any other suggestions to be emailed to Josh at jdanielson@divcomp.com

Next Meeting

September 27, 2001 6:00PM
Diversified Computer Consultants
7650 W Courtney Campbell Causeway, Suite 875
Classroom 1



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