June 2001
Thursday, June 28, 2001
User Group News: Maryann Marnell was elected the as the new President.
Eric Seglin was elected as the new Vice President.
Guest Speaker: Cary Millsap - www.hotsos.com
Mr. Millsap served for ten years at Oracle Corporation as one of the company's
leading system performance experts, where he founded and served as vice
president of the System Performance Group. He has educated thousands of Oracle
consultants, support analysts, developers, and customers in the optimal use of
Oracle technology through commitment to writing, teaching, and speaking at
public events. He is the inventor of the OFA Standard, creator of the original
APS toolkit, a Hotsos Tools designer and developer, editor of hotsos.com,
a Hotsos founder, and the creator of Hotsos Clinic.
Discussion Topic
- Performance Theory
- Scalability Theory
- Latching Theory
- Overview of Logical I/O (LIO) and
Physical I/O (PIO)
Rule of Thumb: Memory access is 10,000 times faster than disk
access. This may be misleading. Observations show that
LIO is closer to 100 times faster than PIO.
- Parse Call Theory
- Four latches that impact performance
LIO latches
- Cache buffer chain latches
- Cache buffer LRU chain
Parse latches
- Shared pool latches
- Library cache latches
- Overview of how to improve performance
session trace files