Meeting Details:
January 28, 2020
Oracle Containers - Mike Donovan
In the Unix and Linux worlds, containers have been available for many years. Similar to the way virtualization hypervisors take one physical server and make it appear to be several servers, container technology takes one operating system installation and makes it appear to be several installations. Did you know that Oracle databases have containers as well? Oracle Multi-tenant takes one database and makes it appear to be several databases.
This month, Mike Donovan will be joining us to show you how to do multi-tenant the right way. Mike will cover Oracle's multi-tenant concepts and then deep dive into how he has implemented this in production in his role as a DBA Specialist for FCCI Insurance Group. Mike will share his design as well as the hardware details of FCCI's implementation.
Mike Donovan has over 25 years of Oracle experience, beginning with version 7.2. Mike has held programmer and DBA roles across the Financial, Retail, Insurance, and Defense industries. A graduate of Embry Riddle University and a US Air Force veteran, Mike served with the Defense Information Systems Agency in Washington, DC. Today, he is a Database Administrator Specialist locally for FCCI Insurance Group.
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