Meeting Details:
August 22, 2017
What's New in 12.2 - Charles Kim & Rich Niemiec, Viscosity NA
A super special meeting this month at SOUG as we bring you TWO world renowned speakers, Oracle Ace Directors Rich Niemiec and Charles Kim.
Co-founder of ViscosityNA, Charles provided us with some great insight to the inner workings of the Oracle Cloud in last year's visit. This month we take a breath from all the Cloud talk and focus on Oracle Database 12c. I can't wait to see what he has in store for us.
Rich, perhaps best known as author of some of the most popular Oracle Tuning books and co-founder of TUSC, has now joined Charles at Viscosity. Rich has a well-deserved reputation as one of the most requested speakers on the Oracle conference circuit. He is always entertaining and one of the only guys I know that can successfully present a 150-slide deck in a half hour session.
As they say on all those late-night infomercials, BUT WAIT! There's MORE!
It's not enough to have two awesome presenters. We are also raising the bar by having THREE presentations! You definitely don't want to miss this month.
In session one, Rich will be talking about some of his favorite 12g Features:- Overview - 12c R1 & R2 by Rich (with Intro by Charles)
- Know the Oracle!
- Start Me Up - Using Memory Target, The Buffer Cache, and new 12cR2 object sizes
- In-Memory Virtual Columns (12cR2), Multiple indexes on the same Column (12c) & Fetch First x Rows(12c)
- Approximate Query New Features (12cR2)
- Adaptive Query Optimization and CAQP (12cR2)
- Runaway Query Management
- Security Enhancements (12cR2)
- Oracle Database In-Memory (
- New Partitioning & Online Features (12cR2)
- V$ in 12cR2
- Other 12c R1 & R2 New Features
After a brief break, Charles will discuss Strategies for Upgrading to 12.2 in our second session of the evening.
For the third session of the evening, Charles will be hosting a webinar starting at 8pm, live from the Eagle Datagistics office. He has graciously invited anyone who would like to stay to sit in on the webinar. There's a myriad of enhancements available in Oracle Database 12.2. Charles will rapid-fire pertinent Oracle Database 12.2 new features to the audience in the following focused areas:- Rich's Top 12.2 Favorite Features
- Detailed Partitioning Options
- Multi-Tenancy (PDB) Option
- Data Guard
There you have it. Three world-class presentations in one evening, all brought to you free by the SOUG. I know it makes for a long night, so if you have to bail before the end, no worries. Tell your friends. Guests are always welcome! I'd love to see if we can pack 100 people into Chuck's office... ;-)
For information on usual meeting locations and times as well as previous
meeting minutes and presentations please refer to the
meetings page.
For further information or enquiries regarding meetings please
contact the SOUG meeting coordinator.