
Meeting Details:

August 26, 2015

eDB360 and SQLd360 - Dimas Chbane, Accenture Enkitec Group

Database Health-checks and SQL deep-dives are important parts of a DBA's job. This month Dimas Chbane will be joining us to talk about a couple free tools that are available to assist in these areas.

eDB360 is a free tool developed by Carlos Sierra that provides a 360-degree view of an Oracle database. Its output can be used as a foundation for a database health-check, a performance evaluation or to collect OS resource utilization needed for a sizing and provisioning plan. With eDB360, a user with limited access can acquire a good understanding of an Oracle database without having to log into the server directly. This capability is of great value to developers, system administrators, 3rd party consultants, or any remote user with restricted access.

SQLd360 is a free tool developed by Mauro Pagano that provides a 360-degree overview around an individual SQL statement. The output is a single zip file that allows offline analysis, trend analysis and detailed root-cause investigations. The content of the zip is a set of small reports, each specific to an area of interest, easy to navigate through an index file.

Dimas Chbane is an Infrastructure Senior Principal with Accenture Enkitec Group, working database and application issues. Prior to the current position, he worked for Oracle Support for 17 years, first in the Database Team and for the last 10 years in the Applications Technology Group for E-Business Suite. He specialized in Performance, both in the database and middleware.

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