
Meeting Details:

October 28, 2014

SQL Developer Tips, Tricks, and New Features

Our friends at Eagle Datagistics will once again be hosting this month's meeting at their office, 111 2nd Ave NE, Suite 1006, St.Petersburg, FL 33701

Inspired by one of Jeff Smith's Open World presentations, Oracle's Chris Riccardi will be joining us to talk about the latest goings on in the SQL Developer world. Chris will throw in a liberal helping of keystroke shortcuts and other tips while walking us thru the new features in the latest version of SQL Developer.

Chris is a Development Tools Support Engineer out of the Oracle's Orlando office. As a former Oracle Consultant, Chris has long been involved with Oracle's development tools and custom development offerings.

For information on usual meeting locations and times as well as previous meeting minutes and presentations please refer to the meetings page.

For further information or enquiries regarding meetings please contact the SOUG meeting coordinator.

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