
Meeting Details:

May 21, 2013

Oracle Performance Research - Craig Shallahamer, OraPub

It's been almost a year now since our good friend and Ace Director, Craig Shallahmer last visited us in Tampa. This means that Craig has been able to do a whole year's worth of new research into those sticky performance issues that plague us all. He will be sharing a few highlights this evening at our normal monthly meeting. He also just released a cool new tool he developed to help those of us with Oracle Standard Edition. It's called Stori and perhaps we'll be able to talk him in to giving us a taste of how it works.

Craig has also agreed to stay over the day after our regular meeting to present his latest 1-day Performance Research Seminar on Wednesday, 5/22, 9am-5:30pm.

Our Tuesday night meeting will be held in our new Laurel Street location in the New Horizons Learning Center facility. The full day seminar will be held in the banquet room at The Laughing Cat. Full details, as well as links to register, are available at http://resources.orapub.com/Tampa_Oracle_performance_training_seminar_May_2013_p/201305tampaseminar.htm. Cost for the full day seminar is $549, but SOUG members receive a 10% discount by entering the code "SOUG2013" when registering. Feedback I received the attendees at last year's class was that it was the most valuable class they had attended all year. This is a whole new set of Performance Tuning information that I'm sure will be well worth the price. Get it on your calendar now and start shaking down your boss for a small taste of that training budget you know he has!

This year's topics will include:
  • Tips for Oracle performance analysis research
  • Parsing: hard, soft, and softer... How bad is bad?
  • Cursors, child cursors and more child cursors
  • Altering DML batch sizes
  • Resolving Log File Sync using commit write
  • Dealing with skewed data... the right way
  • Merging time based analysis and queuing theory
  • Are you sure it.s the index root block?
  • Calculating CPU utilization from v$osstat
  • SQL CPU time reliability
Here is the URL with more details: q.orapub.com/1d

For information on usual meeting locations and times as well as previous meeting minutes and presentations please refer to the meetings page.

For further information or enquiries regarding meetings please contact the SOUG meeting coordinator.

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