
Meeting Details:

June 14, 2012

Oracle Performance Research - Craig Shallahamer, OraPub

Oracle Ace Director and all around great guy, Craig Shallahamer has been hard at work on a whole new set of discoveries relating to Oracle Performance. He will be joining us for another SOUG meeting, followed by a full day Performance Research Seminar on Friday 6/15 to share those exciting discoveries with us.

Our Thursday night meeting will be held in our normal Rocky Point location in the Knowlege Services facility. The full day seminar will be held in the banquet room at The Laughing Cat. Full details, as well as links to register, are available at http://resources.orapub.com/Tampa_FL_USA_Performance_Research_Seminar_p/2012tampaseminar.htm. Cost for the full day seminar is $549, but SOUG members receive a 10% discount by entering the code "SROUG" when registering.

Also take note that to accomodate Craig's busy travel schedule, this month's meeting will be on the SECOND THURSDAY of the month instead of our traditional fourth Thursday. Get it on your calendar now and don't be THAT guy who shows up in an empty room two weeks late!

For information on usual meeting locations and times as well as previous meeting minutes and presentations please refer to the meetings page.

For further information or enquiries regarding meetings please contact the SOUG meeting coordinator.

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