
Meeting Details:

July 22, 2010

Innovative Approaches to Solving Performance Problems - Peter Dobler

When solving Oracle performance problems, often the answer is "re-write the SQL". At that point, a bigger problem emerges - how do I do that for a canned app that I don't have access to change the source? For instance, Peoplesoft, JD Edwards, Seibel, Cognos, Business Objects, Documentum, Crystal Reports, Toad, OEM, etc. The list goes on and on.

This presentation will discuss two unique solutions:

a.) Dynamic SQL Optimization via the creative use of a rules-based SQL*Net Proxy that selectively intercepts and evaluates in-bound SQL generated by applications. When sub-optimal SQL is being submitted, the Proxy can re-structure the syntax of the statement to apply performance improvements which would then be executed by the database.

b.) Dynamic Server Prioritization via the creative use of a rules-based Session Monitor that can detect when the server load reaches various thresholds (e.g. 80%), which will then throttle down the resources allocated to lesser-important applications. The result is dynamic resource allocation that enables critical applications to maintain SLAs during peak processing periods.

Peter Dobler is President of Dobler Consulting, Inc., a locally based firm providing database support services and business event management services for small to midsize businesses. Peter is an accomplished Oracle and Sybase DBA with over two decades of experience.

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