Meeting Details:
January 22, 2009
The WHAT, HOW, and WHY of RMAN - Maxym Kharchenko Recovery Manager (RMAN) is ORACLE default physical backup and recovery tool which has steadily been gaining in popularity since its introduction in ORACLE 8. Despite its simplistic appearance, RMAN can definitely throw a punch and do some pretty cool (not to mention, useful) things that go far beyond just backup and recovery.
Join us in this presentation as we uncover the reasons of RMAN's existence, the typical and not so typical things that people do with it as well as why this tool is definitely one of DBA's best friends. For those of you who still don't use RMAN, do come and see what you've been missing.
Maxym Kharchenko is a database internals developer turned DBA. He has been working with ORACLE since version 7 and supporting RMAN installations since its roots in ORACLE 8. Maxym holds a title of database administration manager at SCC Soft Computer in lovely Clearwater, Florida and is also ORACLE Certified Master and current vice president of Suncoast ORACLE Users Group.
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