
Meeting Details:

April 24, 2008

Application Express - Chet Justice

Chet Justice has worked with Oracle since 2002, starting with version 8i. He was handed SQL*Plus and a tnsnames.ora file and told to get to work. Coming from the Windows/Access background, this was quite difficult as there were no pretty pictures of tables, just SELECT table_name FROM user_tables.

In 2005 he started a new job with a small state-contracted Foster Care case management agency. It was a staff of one. He managed to talk his boss into purchasing Oracle Standard Edition on the premise that he could do more sooner. After trying to webify their organization using J2EE, Chet tried out Oracle's new product, HTMLDB. Within a month they had deployed their first report. By the time he left in late 2006, the website application contained almost 350 pages. Forms were based on PL/SQL packages. Reports were based on views. Even using Standard Edition (no VPD/FGAC), he was able to share their website with other sister organizations.

He quickly swore off J2EE and became an Oracle Application Express evangelist.

Tonight's presentation will focus on creating applications using Application Express utilizing existing packages and stored procedures. Chet will also be going over the lesser known utilities of ApEx to demonstrate the power of the tool.

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