Meeting Details:
May 25, 2006
SOUG Technology Day Make plans now to attend our first ever full-day (8am-4pm) mini-conference. This promises to be a very special event.
Tom Kyte (of "Ask Tom" fame in Oracle Magazine) has committed to open our day with a key note address and close our day with a technical presentation on his Top 10 Favorite 10gR2 New Features.
We have scheduled 9 breakout sessions with multiple tracks to capture the attention of the DBAs, Developers, and Managers in the audience.
A continental breakfast will be provided and lunch will be catered in courtesy of Sun Microsystems. With several vendors already on-board, and more committments coming in every day, there promises to be some excellent door prizes as well. Oracle, Sun, Symantec, Eagle Bussiness Solutions, Hotsos, Knowledge Services, EMC, Princeton Softech and others will be represented.
This will all take place within St.Petersburg College's high-tech EpiCenter at 13805 North 58th Street in Largo.
Click here for the day's schedule and presentation downloads.
For information on usual meeting locations and times as well as previous
meeting minutes and presentations please refer to the
meetings page.
For further information or enquiries regarding meetings please
contact the SOUG meeting coordinator.