
Saturday, February 08, 2025

So You Want To Start Your Own Business?
Katrina Shallahamer, Co-Owner

How many times have you said to yourself, "If I was my own boss my life would be so much better." Yes, here in America, starting your own business is easy, but the real truth is it is way harder than it looks. There are great benefits to owning your own company, but there can be traps as well. Running on the hamster wheel happens way too often for small business owners. Join Katrina Shallahamer, long time business owner, as she tells the story of her and her husband’s company and the lessons they have learned along the way since they started their company 17 years ago.

Katrina Shallahamer has co-owned OraPub, Inc. with her husband, Craig, since 1998. She enjoys working directly with customers hence her title of Customer Success Manager. She is also the Operations Manager for the company. Katrina has been specializing in mentoring and marketing for the past 10 years. Her focus for mentoring has been mainly with high school and college age students as they navigate the transition into adulthood, but she also is an advocate for strong leadership skills in the workplace. Katrina enjoys traveling, Pilates and being a personal advocate for the elderly. She can be reached at katrina@orapub.com and @OraPubInc.

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